CAP DE CRANIU - Interviu cu Calin

1. Spune'mi pentru inceput cateva cuvinte despre evenimentele prin care a trecut CDC in ultimul timp.

Cu parere de rau, nu am avut o perioada tocmai placuta in ultima vreme. Fiind optimist iti spun sincer ca trupa se ridica incet, incet daca nu la stadiul in care era pana sa ne paraseasca cei 3 colegi, la unul mult mai bun, avand 2 oameni noi alaturi de mine si Razvan. Ne-am lovit mereu de momente grele, nu doar pe parcursul existentei acestei trupe, dar si pe cel al celorlalte trupe mult mai vechi. Consider ca este important ca orice lovitura pe care o luam din partea diverselor greutati si incidente, sa fie una care sa ne impinga mai departe in aceasta activitate, ci nu una care sa ne dea inapoi. Cu totii avem de invatat din aceasta experienta, atat noi cei care am ramas dar si cei care au parasit aceasta trupa.
Am spus-o si am sa o repet: "nu conteaza decat cine ramane; asta este adevaratul efort".
Noi am construit aceasta trupa pe propriile noastre forte, fie ele morale, fizice sau financiare. Am pornit impreuna pentru ca am crezut toti in acelasi vis si am ajuns pana in acest punct pentru ca nu ne-a interesat ce se intampla in jurul nostru, dar acum am ramas doar cei care am fost 100% acolo.

2. Cum vezi viitorul CDC?

Eu nu mai cred in viitor. Traiesc doar momentele petrecute alaturi de aceasta trupa. Nu imi numar banii pe care nu ii am, poate nici cei pe care i-am pierdut. Viitorul il vor face cei care ne sustin.

3. In ce consta colaborarea cu Metalfan Records Division?

A picat ca o mana cereasca. Aveam nevoie de un sprijin, macar in aceasta directie. Conteaza enorm de mult faptul ca Metalfan ne ajuta, nu doar pe plan financiar in vederea producerii acestui disc, dar si in a-l face cunoscut. Personal sunt foarte multumit de colaborarea cu Metalfan!

4. Cum simti schimbarile din scena rock romaneasca si incotro o vezi evoluand?

Nu sunt in masura sa judec asa ceva. Pentru mine muzica trebuie sa aibe un curs natural, chiar si cu defecte sau imperfectiuni. M-am saturat de reguli stricte, de canoane si asa mai departe. Unora le lipseste imaginea, altora experienta in muzica, dar o trupa adevarata e una care isi etaleaza talentul fara a incerca sa il slefuiasca mai devreme decat trebuie. Sunt trupe noi care ma uimesc, sunt trupe vechi care ma dezamagesc, dar si invers. Imi place noul in egala masura in care imi place vechiul. Nu imi place foarte tare cum evolueaza lucrurile aici in tara pentru ca cei mai multi nu au identitate. Cei mai multi isi doresc sa se alinieze in rand cu ce se intampla in alte tari, fiind frustrati de aceleasi replici aruncate de diferiti "ascultatori" de muzica rock, de genul: "suna romanesc...".
Imi arunc privirea in gradina vecinului, dar nu voi spune ce se intampla decat in gradina mea si astfel iti pot raspunde ca in ceea ce priveste Cap De Craniu lucrurile au evoluat enorm, dar ramane de vazut incotro se va indrepta.

5. Ce parere ai despre sansele CDC pe piata metal mondiala?

Sincer nu stiu daca m-a interesat atat de mult acest aspect. Avem pagini facute de oameni de afara, articole scrise de tot felul de reviste, bloguri si fanzine de afara, sau videoclipuri postate de oameni din alte tari care au strans vizualizari de mii de ori mai multe decat ne-am chinuit noi sa o facem aici in tara si toate astea fara ca noi sa trimitem vreun material acestora. Am avea sanse bune cred eu si o sa profitam cu fiecare ocazie, dar pana a ajunge acolo va trebui sa profitam de sansele care ar putea sa apara aici in tara si sa incercam sa formam un nucleu puternic, impreuna cu alte trupe de aici cu care sa ne mandrim ca "suna romanesc" sa aratam ca se poate face treaba si aici fara a cere "ajutorul" celor de afara.

6. Care sunt trei trupe care te'au impresionat in ultimul timp si de ce?

Immolation pentru ca sunt la fel de "apocaliptici", poate chiar mai mult decat inainte.
JFAC pentru ca se desprind din ce in ce mai mult de latura "comerciala" a genului si asta cred ca face parte din maturizarea lor si a muzicii pe care o fac acestia.
Machine Head si aici nu voi mai explica de ce.

7. Spune'mi cate ceva despre alte proiecte muzicale in care esti angrenat.

Iti pot spune in primul rand despre H8 pentru ca pregatim un album nou, la care am inceput lucrul deja din iarna anului trecut. Si aici am intampinat greutati, dar care nu ne-au impiedicat sa ne continum drumul si asta pentru ca suntem prieteni vechi. In formula asta am reusit sa compunem ani de-a randul o muzica care sa ne placa si sa ne tina impreuna.
Nu in ultimul rand iti pot spune despre albumul trupei Hang Him pe care il pregatesc de ceva vreme, la care lucrez cu Averac (la voce). Pe acest album am si un invitat special pe nume Andy, dar veti vedea ce si cum atunci cand il voi lansa si sper ca acest lucru sa se intample cat mai curand. Mai am cateva proiecte secundare despre care o sa vorbesc atunci cand se vor concretiza intr-o forma finala.

Adept - "The Ivory Tower" Panic & Action

Adept "Death Dealers" out now:

Ready,Set,Fall! - Buried Alive

(Official Video)

Buried EP on iTunes:
Buried EP on Amazon:
Twitter: @ReadySetFall

Direction, editing and post-production: Andrea Larosa

Produced by Andrea Fusini // Fusix Studio

Evergreen Terrace - Behind the INK

with Andrew

Check out the PitCam Website

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Skip the Foreplay - This City (We're Taking Over)

Like Skip the Foreplay!
In a scene where most bands simply feel obligated to act tough, SKIP THE FOREPLAY are on a mission to loosen things up a bit with their infectious party anthems. The band's upcoming new debut album "NIGHTLIFE" was recorded by Frank Shooflar at Bird Wazo Studio ( and showcases a refreshing mix of metalcore and electro music that will get your ass shackin' and your head bangin'! SKIP THE FOREPLAY's first single and video "THIS CITY (WE'RE TAKING OVER)" is pretty self-explanatory and features long time buddies Alex Erian (Despised Icon), Tyler Hoare (Blessed By A Broken Heart) and Jonathan Cabana (Blind Witness). Get ready to party to Montreal's next big thing!


Band Name: Skip The Foreplay
Song Title: This City (We're Taking Over)
Album Title: Nightlife
Video Director: Fred Caron, Teespoon Films



01 Nov Sentrum, Oslo NORWAY
03 Nov Arenan, Stockholm SWEDEN
05 Nov Sorsapuisto-Sali, Tampere FINLAND
06 Nov Circus, Helsinki FINLAND
08 Nov KB Halle, Copenhagen DENMARK
09 Nov Grosse Freiheit 36, Hamburg GERMANY
10 Nov Alter Schlachthof, Dresden GERMANY
12 Nov Gasometer, Vienna AUSTRIA
13 Nov Alcatraz, Milan ITALY
17 Nov Coliseum, Lisbon PORTUGAL
18 Nov Coliseum, Oporto PORTUGAL
21 Nov Volkshaus, Zurich SWITZERLAND
23 Nov Zenith, Paris FRANCE
24 Nov Hugenottenhalle, Neu-Isenburg GERMANY
25 Nov Tonhalle, Munich GERMANY
26 Nov Arena, Ludwigsbury GERMANY
28 Nov Klokgebouw, Eindhoven HOLLAND
29 Nov Forest, Brussels BELGIUM
30 Nov Turbinenhalle, Oberhausen GERMANY
03 Dec Wembley Arena, London UK
04 Dec NIA, Birmingham UK
05 Dec SECC, Glasgow UK
06 Dec Manchester Central, Manchester UK

CARNIFEX - Dead But Dreaming

Official Lyric Video

CARNIFEX's new album "Until I Feel Nothing" will be in stores on 10/24!
Order the brand new album today here:

Downfall of Gaia, Rosa Parks, Mediocracy @ Underworld !

BHCB si Underworld Club prezinta:

Downfall of Gaia(down-tempo/epic crust/Germania)

Rosa Parks(post rock/Ungaria)


Support:15 Ron

Turneul european PRO PAIN ajunge si in Romania!

Cu 20 Years of Hardcore, legendele Hardcore a New Yorkului sărbătoresc 20 de ani de activitate așa cum era de așteptat: zgomotos și fără compromisuri! Turneul va include si 3 concerte in Romania organizate de MetalSupport in:

Cluj-Napoca ( Vineri ,21 Octombrie – Irish & Music Pub).
New Wave Fest The wave you’ve been waiting for
Krepuskul(CJ), Guerillas(CJ), Morrigu(CH), Undivided(US), Pro-Pain (US).

Iași (Sambata, 22 Octombrie – Underground Pub).
Skullp(GJ) Morrigu(CH), Undivided(US), Pro-Pain (US).

București(Duminica, 23 Octombrie – Wings Club).
Mat(IS), Deathdrive(B), Morrigu(CH), Undivided(US), Pro-Pain (US).

Biletele vor costa 40 de lei si vor fi disponibile în seara concertului la intrarea în club.


CAP DE CRANIU - Death & Taxes
Metalfan Records Division

OF MICE & MEN - Behind the INK

with Austin Carlile


with Bill Hamilton
by www.PitCam.TV


with Ben Bruce & Danny Worsnop

by PitCam.TV


with Vincent Bennet
by PitCam.TV

TERROR - You're Caught


TERROR - You're Caught (OFFICIAL VIDEO). Taken from the upcoming album "Keepers Of The Faith" DVD/CD Re-Issue, Century Media Records, 2011.

Mastodon - Curl Of The Burl

[Official Video]

The official video for "Curl Of The Burl" from Mastodon's album "The Hunter," coming 9/27. Pre-order it now at Directed by Robert Schober
Concept by Brann Dailor

BREATHELAST first song !

Enemy by Breathelast

Song Title : Enemy
Enemy audio track, from Breathelast self titled EP.!/breathelast

Sound engineering, mixing, mastering and additional production by Marius Costache

Drums and Guitars recorded at Next Dog Studio
Released by: Breathelast
Release date: Sep 29, 2011


Formed somewhat in 2010, Breathelast started with a different line-up, different style of music (nu metal - alternative), original drummer and bass player parted ways with the band and so, Breathelast reformed and also changed their sound. The new style of music has a lot of breakdowns and tempo changes, which confines a very personal feeling to the songs, building up the energy that comes out of this style of song-writing and playing.The band members come from various musical backgrounds and have been around for a while, enough to know that music is the only driving energy and that success is only the palm of your hand, when you're holding a guitar, drum sticks or a microphone , on a stage, in front of people that enjoy your music. Further on, we take the responsibility to develop our sound and get the music across to the interested audience, wherever it may roam. (Former and) Current bands we are performing in :Radu Ionut Cimpeanu ( Zgarie Nori, Dead Eye Dick, Kill Convention, Klippers and many many more :) ), Ionut Cojocaru ( Catanga, Crize, Godmode, Side FX ), Valentin Birsan ( Efecte Secundare - CT, Side FX - B ), Andrei Mihai Ionut ( Pamant, nOciv, Crize, Dekadens, Side FX, Traum ).


In the spring of 2001, Crize recorded the first songs, held their first show and had their first TV and press appearance. In 2002 they released their first EP, "Refulari", ("Outbursts"), soon followed by the first video for the song "Sk8". 2003 and 2004 saw Crize play many shows around the country, the writing of new songs and some line-up changes. In the spring of 2005 the band released their first video "Cadere Libera" ("Free fall") and recorded their first full-lenght "The New Beginning", soon after shooting a video for the song "Myself'. 2006 meant yet another step forward for the band: soon after opening for the Deftones in June, they embarked on the first "Do It Yourself Tour", put out a live video for the song "Forever Yours" and released the "For the Damned" EP. In the beginning of 2007, yet another video, this time for the song "Evil" paved the way for a year of shows around the country and a second in the "DIY Tour" series, jokingly called "Unholy Crizemas Days". In 2008 the band concentraded on the recording of their second full-lenght, only playing one show at the "Noisefun fest". After a 3 year hiatus due to issues in the line-up, Crize come back to the stage fo a show with Parkway Drive, setting up the long-awaited release of their fourth studio recording.


La sfarsitul lui 1999 cand scena de rock alternativ de la noi nu avea decat foarte putini reprezentanti, sase tineri din Bucuresti au pus bazele trupei COMA. Prima aparitie pe scena are loc la editia 2000 a StudentFest Timisoara. Urmeaza si primul videoclip pentru piesa „Nu vreau fetito casa” sustinut de numeroase concerte la MCM si Atomic TV. Baietii participa cam in aceeasi perioada la Propaganda Pro FM, Procktetion Festival Cluj-Napoca si la Festivalul Top T Buzau. Dupa ce incheie o intelegere cu cei de al A&A Records, ]n 2001 apare si primul album Coma - Somn, urmat de cel de-al doilea videoclip, Brusli vs Vandam.

In anii care au urmat, Coma isi restrange activitatea atat din motive subiective, care au tinut de evenimente din viata personala a membrilor, cat si din motive obiective, perioada fiind una dificila pentru genul muzical abordat de catre trupa. Cu toate acestea au ocazia de a canta in deschiderea unor nume foarte mari Sepultura (2003), Soulfly (2004), Deftones (2006), Therapy? (2007)

Dupa o pauza de 5 ani apare un nou material discografic, Nerostitele. Materialul impreioneaza prin complexitatea instrumentala, prin calitatea mixajelor, pastrand insa vechiul sound COMA, maturizat insa dupa experientele live care nu au fost putine. O mare surpriza a fost aparitia lui Bill Gould, basistul de la Faith No More caruia Dj HEFE ii luase la un moment dat un interviu, a participat la inregistrarea piesei Mai presus de cuvinte. Un alt invitat special a fost si Adi Despot de la VdV, cel care apare pe piesa Un loc sa ajung. Nerostitele este de altfel un album al colaborarilor si al experimentelor, piesa Urmarirea avandu-l ca invitat pe hip-hop-erul Brugner. Videoclipul de la piesa Coboara-ma in rai, regizat de Marian Crisan a fost filmat in infrarosu.

Ultimul proiect COMA dateaza din 2008. Coma Light a fost lansat in exclusivitate gratuit pe internet pe si distribuit gratuit cu Revista Sunete. Cele 11 piese unplugged sunt reluari de pe albumele precedente ofera ceva nou fanilor trupei si ii surprind pe cei care ajung sa il asculte intamplator. Desi unplugged, cu exceptia partilor lui dj HEFE, albumul isi pastreaza forta, piesele fiind practic reorchestrate.


Somn (2001)
Nerostitele (2006)
Light (2008


Nerostitele (60 de minute)


Cap De Craniu is a death metal/grindcore band from Bucharest, Romania formed in spring 2007. The only original members remaining in the band, are the guitarist, Calin Raduta and the drummer, Razvan Raduta Penda.
Shortly after they formed the band, CDC(Cap De Craniu) released "First EP for a Surgery", in April 2007, being credited with defining the romaninan grindcore scene by incorporating elements of hardcore and punk, vocals with severe growls and squeals reflected in horror and social lyrics.
CDC was formed in Bucharest, the capital of Romania, in March 2007 by Calin Raduta and Costin Chioreanu, who were already playing in numerous local bands and projects since the early '90s (H8, Hang Him, Kendo, Crize, Protest Urban, Deviant, Nightpray, My Shadow, Discordless, Subway Night Orchestra, Retribution, Sistem Nervos, etc).
The duo was inspired by horror and gore movies similar to "Evil Dead", mostly creating stories, around a fictive character(Laur, the protagonist in all their lyrics), about the human kind in our days and also giving an ironical meaning to the most common social disorders(as they say: "if you want get past evil, smile first!").
The first stable line-up of the group consisted of Calin Raduta on guitar, Costin Chioreanu on bass, Razvan Raduta Penda on drums and Dragos Drunea on vocals. CDC consists of 4 members and, besides music, they have some strong points in music engineering, graphic design and video production. They became a DIY group, self releasing "First EP for a surgery" and performing at many important concerts and festivals along bands like Suffocation, Rotting Christ, or Parkway Drive.
After entering their own studio to record "I'll Kill If I Live", the fifth member Radu Ionascu joined CDC on guitar.
In the summer of 2011, the band faced a period of hardship, with 3 of the members quitting the band.
Being a duo group, the two brothers, Calin and Razvan decided to colaborate with Metalfan Records Division and recently finished producing the debut album, but according to Calin Raduta, it will not be released earlier November 2011.


Initially, we have decided that the new musical project (Traum) will be only a studio endeavor, because of the previous engagements of two of the band members (Andrei and Catrina) , in other considerably active bands (Dekadens and Hotel Fetish) , highly involved in live concerts, at that time.

In 2007 we have recorded our first E.P. "The Debut After They Disbanded" and we signed an editing contra...ct with Roadrunner Music. The disc has been recorded at Next Dog Studio, it was produced by Gigi Catrina and by Mihai Antonescu and it was distributed by Miscelanny Bookshop and Music Box store.

The six songs belonging to the first EP, The Debut After They Disbanded, have a specific raw sound to them, trying to keep that certain atmosphere and vibe that you get from a rehearsal room. The music has been written by Andrei/Catrina/Grigoroiu and the lyrics we're written by Mihai Andrei.

What's new...

2010 brings a major change for Traum, seeing as the band is now active and ready for live shows. Additionally, as a result of studio work, 2010 also brings six new songs to the table, which will become the next Traum EP : I Once Knew A Man Who Ate A Tornado.

The new record sounds fairly different from the first Traum EP, being more punchy and crowded. The lyrics have been written by Andrei and Catrina and the music has been written by Catrina/Andrei/Grigoroiu.

We will soon launch, a web site where you can listen to our songs in optimum quality format and where you will be able to find any information that we will decide to make available to you :).