Venice's People

Uploaded by philipbloom on 4 Nov 2009

Extended cut and now graded with Magic Bullet Looks. 20% from with code bloom 20

The Evolution of Music - Statistics

Uploaded by SimplyZesty on 14 Sep 2011

Evolution of Music statistics video - a few facts you probably never knew about the music industry. Produced by


Jimi Hendrix -Crosstown Traffic
Caribou - Odessa
Pharell Williams, Julian Casablancas and Santigold - My Drive Thru

Pink's Baby Love

Architects - Devil's Island

Uploaded by wearearchitects on 1 Nov 2011

Architects - Devil's Island


This is your country,
This is your home,
This is the house where you grew up alone.

The city streets,
you used to love,
are bruised and broken,
are black and blue.
On our TV's, miles away.
On our doorsteps with no reason why.

Take it back, take it back, take it back.

This is your country,
This is your home,
This is the house where you grew up alone.
Remember this for what it was.

Take it back, take it back, take it back.

You want a voice,
but your voices sound like violence.
You don't deserve this life.

This is your country,
This is your home,
This is the house where you grew up alone.
Remember this for what it was,
a bleak projection of absent minds.

You want a voice,
but your voices sound like violence.
You shout so loud but all I hear is silence.
The city streets that you show no love,
are bruised and broken,
because of you.

This is your country,
This is your home,
This is the house where you grew up alone.

Remember this for what it was.

Fresh Urban Stories Release Party

Ritmul evolutiei tehnologice, viteza de circulatie a informatiei, diversificarea formelor de exprimare au avut drept consecinta fireasca aparitia unor noi forme de arta pe care nici o epoca anterioara nu si le putea imagina.

Arta a fuzionat cu orasul si a devenit arta urbana. Spatiul public a devenit o imensa galerie de arta. Oameni talentati au initiat proiecte care au creat tendinte. Orasul se transforma pentru a tine pasul cu dorinta de exprimare.

Conceptul evenimentelor Fresh Urban Stories porneste de la “povestile” pe care Bucurestiul le-a strans de-a lungul ultimilor ani si le strange continuu, povesti bine inradacinate in realitatea urbana si pe care le intalnim la tot pasul. Obiectivul conceptului Fresh Urban Stories este de a crea un spatiu interactiv de fuziune intre diversele forme de exprimare urbana ce comunica diferite emotii artistice si ingredientele unui eveniment de succes.

Totul incepe cu Once Upon a Funky Story pe 8 noiembrie, ora 21, la Club Control. Intrarea libera!

DJ Set Rotopercutor

Special guest UFE

Peter on drugs



Promo: Concert Dj Undoo - "Ain't fast food music"

Uploaded by HipHopBlogVideo on 24 Oct 2011

Pe 3 noiembrie, în Elephant Pub va avea loc concertul de lansare al albumului "Ain't fast food music". Fiți acolo!

What do you think?


Kid Rides Giant Python

Uploaded by diagonaluk on 16 Feb 2009

A small boy in Cambodia has made friends with a 5 meter-long Burmese python. Let's hope it lasts.