The Doors- Unknown soldier (live 1968)
Uploaded by reznorfan15 on 1 Oct 2007
filmed during the doors 1968 european tour in the cities of london, stockholm, frankfurt and amsterdam.
People do stuff
Uploaded by koldstudios on 2 May 2011
60 fps 59.94) used twixtor to slow it down 2%
song: awolnation: sail
CARNIFEX - Until I Feel Nothing
Uploaded by officialcarnifex on 9 Nov 2011
The title track to the 2011 release.
Lansarea de album Altar in Club Fabrica
MetalSupport va asteapta Duminica, 11 Decembrie la Bucuresti in Club Fabrica la lansarea de album a trupei Altar
Ora 19:00-21:00 intrarea va fi 20 de lei
Ora 21:00-00:00 intrarea va fi 25 de lei
Primi 200 de platitori vor primi un album
ALTAR s-a infiintat in anul 1991 la Cluj. Dupa cateva concerte sustinute pe plan local, formatia face prima “iesire” la Festivalul Samrock’91 unde obtine premiul de popularitate. Consacrarea pe plan national are loc la STUDFEST Timisoara’92, Altar fiind revelatia acestui festival.
In prezent ALTAR se afla in studio si inregistreaza cel de-al 5-lea material discografic, care se anunta a fi de departe cel mai complex si puternic produs al trupei de pana acum, o capodopera a intregii cariere de 20 de ani.
Nine Inch Nails live tribute (w Covered in Nails) in Fabrica!
Sambata, 3 decembrie, in Club Fabrica, sunteti invitati la un nou tribut adus legendarului grup Nine Inch Nails oferit de proiectul We're In This Together.
Cinci muzicieni cunoscuti din scena underground isi vor uni din nou fortele pentru un proiect unic si cu totul special, primul tribut live Nine Inch Nails produs vreodata in Romania.
Astfel, pe scena vor urca:
Razvan Ristea – tobe (Luna Amara)
Mihnea Ferezan – chitara/backing vocals (Luna Amara, Roadkillsoda)
Janin ‘Jan’ Pasniciuc – chitara/backing vocals (Dekadens/ex Zebre, AB4, Partizan)
Victor ‘Vava’ Ferezan – bass/backing vocals (Tep Zepi, Roadkillsoda)
Stefan Zaharescu – voce (Kistvaen, Domination, Dwarf Planet)
Patile synth sunt din nou realizate de L (The Spiral, Italia) in colaborare cu Janin Pasniciuc.
Concertul va avea loc in Club Fabrica, aceeasi locatie care a gazduit si primul concert sustinut in data de 12 februarie, 2010 eveniment ce s-a bucurat de un succes neasteptat.
Pregatiti-va pentru o reprezentatie de o verosimilitudine NIN de necontestat!
Un proiect pus la cale inca din 2010, cele 90 de minute ale spectacolului vor fi o productie NIN autentica: sunet, lumini si video, toate aceste detalii vor fi pregatite alaturi de oameni cu experienta in domeniu. Calitatea evenimentelor tribut NIN prezentate pana acum sub titulatura Covered In Nails stau drept dovada.
Concertul face parte dintr-un turneu national ce va avea loc in luna decembrie si va cuprinde locatii unde trupa a fost constant ceruta de public.
Evenimentul va incepe la ora 22:00 iar pretul unui bilet este de 15 Ron.
Dupa concert va invitam la party, anume Fu(n)king with the 90's, muzica de anii 90 cu Buvnitz, acelasi care ocupa si postul de solist in formatia tribut Nine Inch Nails! Fu(n)king with the 90s 3.0 cu Buvnitz in Club Fabrica
Concert Domination (PANTERA TRIBUTE BAND), Negative Core, First Division
In 2009 a fost pus la cale un proiect tribut Pantera sub titulatura Domination, formatie care s-a dovedit si cel mai bun proiect tribut metal realizat vreodata in Romania.
Pastrand traditia din fiecare decembrie, Mighty Owl Productions prezinta in data de 13 decembrie un omagiu special adus lui Dimebag 'Darrell' Abbott, prezentat de Domination.
Evenimentul va avea loc in Club Fabrica din Bucuresti si se va bucura de participarea unor formatii 'antrenante' pentru a incheia asa cum trebuie anul 2011. Vrem ca acest eveniment sa fie o sarbatoare atat pentru un om ce a scris istorie in muzica cat si pentru un public care inca gusta muzica si calitatea unui concert live, asa cum trebuie el sa fie.
Domination este prima si singura formatie tribut Pantera din Romania!
Formula trupei ramane neschimbata, astfel ca pe scena vor urca:
Cezar Popescu (Vita de Vie) - chitara
Cristi Dumitrescu (Voodoo) - tobe
Adi ( ex-Lotul National de Hardcore) - bass
Stefan Zaharescu (Kistvaen, Dwarf Planet, Covered In Nails) - voce
Pretul unui bilet va fi de 15 Ron.
Daca v-a placut ce ati auzit in ultimii doi ani, daca vreti sa retraiti atmosfera Pantera, va asteptam pe 13 decembrie in Club Fabrica.
Read more: Concert Domination (Pantera tribute band) in decembrie la Bucuresti - Stiri Rock -
5000fps Skateboarding
Uploaded by sampalmer101 on 20 Mar 2011
Super Slow Motion Skateboarding filmed at Millhouses Skatepark, The House Skatepark and Baines Side. Filmed using a Canon 550d + Kit Lens at 50fps in 720p, slowed down to 5000fps using Twixtor Pro in AAE CS5. Edited in Final Cut Pro. Graded using Color. I'm not entirely happy with the outcome (mainly due to the way some of the clips have been filmed), but after all this was mainly done to test the software and the clips were filmed before this, meaning that I did not consider to film the clips to be slowed down so much. I also used this as a music video for a unit for my College Course. This video was edited in about 4 hours including Render and Export so it's quite basic.
The Footage was slowed down to 0.5% which, due to exporting at 25fps, means that the footage is 5000fps, which is a lot higher than I had previously thought.
Featuring Skateboarders (In order of appearence):
Shaun Currie
Christopher Mann
Jake Wainwright
Nick Rooney
Do you remember other lives?
Uploaded by AlexOldenburger on 11 Dec 2010
Test Grading in Final Cut Pro 7 (not in Color) . Shot on Canon 7D.
Check out the before and after version:
Diamonds Are Forever

Diamonds Are Forever was born by the merge of two existing bands: Pills of Trust and Rock Norris. We all left behind us difficult moments, member changes and we are here to make one thing: ROCK
Gone Goodbye - A short film
Uploaded by Session7Media on 23 Nov 2009
SYNOPSIS: This short film explores relationships and privacy in unusual and surprising ways
GOAL: Create a highly stylistic short film in under 100 hours to enter into the Film Racing Grand Prix 2009 100 hour film race contest
MEMORIES - Award winning short student film
Uploaded by RadekBNU on 4 Jan 2010
- Winner of Best Fiction Award at The Altered Images Student Post Production Festival in London 2010
- Winner of the Film Making contest 2010
- Winner of the Best Young Filmmaker Award at Fastnet Short Film Festival 2010
- Shortlisted for the Best Film Award at No Limits Film Festival 2010
- Shortlisted at 5th annual international LUMS film festival - FiLUMS 2011
- Shortlisted at AWAKEN! International Spiritual Film Festival 2011
- Soul 4 Reel Film Festival - Official Selection 2011
- Shortlisted at The National Student Film Festival, London 2011
Written, Directed and Edited by Radoslaw Sienski
Jack - Andrew Bolton
Young Jack - Tom Bolton
Jack's Wife - Vicky Bolton
Jack's Daughter - Thea Bolton
Special thanks to Silence, an amazing band from Slovenia for allowing me to use 'Runalong - Acoustic Version' from their album 'Vain - A Tribute to a Ghost'
copyright Radoslaw Sienski 2010 (
Bucks New University 2010
Uploaded by ankk8 on 20 Mar 2011
Second and final slow motion test...It was filmed months ago. Editing is rough because I don't have time to work on details.
Edited with Twixtor in After Effects.
Rain was made with Trapcode Particular 2 in AE
Lens used: Canon EFS 18-135 mm
Shutter speed: unknown
Music: "Seagull"
Know Lyfe - Babel
Uploaded by BlankTV on 9 Nov 2011
Band Name = Know Lyfe
Label Name = One Vision Records
Song Title = Babel
Web Site =
Facebook =
Billy The Kid - xTREZxEQUIZx
Uploaded by BlankTV on 11 Nov 2011
Director: Felipe Cordero
*At the end of this video 780 people will have died because of smoking.
*Each cigarette you smoke takes away 11 minutes of your life.
*Every 31 minutes someone dies in a car accident alcohol-related.
*50 people will die today in the hands of a drug dealer.
*There are more than 440 million addicts.
*They say it is not so serious, not so bad, they know how to control it , that you should trust them, they LIE,
It's time to know the truth.
**Dedicated to all who believe in a drug-free life, in a world without rivers of blood and suffering.**
AMERICAN DAD - Preview: "The Worst Stan"
Uploaded by FoxBroadcasting on 10 Nov 2011 ('Like' on Facebook)
AFORIC | CHIMIE | GRIGO - duminica 13 noiembrie in Elephant
Duminica 13 noiembrie, o noua duminica hip-hop la Elephant. Pe scena vor fi prezenti AFORIC si CHIMIE acompaniati la platane de GRIGO.
Acces: ora 21:00 - 15 lei
ClanDESTIN by Parasuta Seitan
Pisces - Voodoo
Uploaded by BlankTV on 12 Nov 2011
Directed and edited by Sarah Negahdari. Filmed by Charlie Mahoney
Special thanks to Latisha Conto for letting Sarah use her cat Roger in this video!:)
The Dø - Stay (Just A Little Bit More) (Live at PSL 2009)
Uploaded by ogatomartin on 5 Apr 2010
from 'A Mouthful' album (2009)
Nichita Stanescu
Uploaded by trifoicupatrufoi on 19 May 2008
Un interviu minunat cu poetul Nichita Stanescu.
Cardio Kazan - In Slow Motion
Uploaded by BlankTV on 12 Nov 2011
Director: Karas Productions, Arak Bernal
Download our Debut EP "Maybe This Will Start The Fire" here!
Check out the BlankTV official website:
A post-apocalyptic landscape by Alex Groove
VFS SoundCloud Full Scholarship Challenge 2011 - A post-apocalyptic landscape_Alex Groove by Alex Groove
Hello! I'm Alex Groove from Romania. I've imagined a place where in the past it used to be crowded, near a park where children used to play. Looks like everything burned to ashes and the smoke still clouds the air. I'm still searching to where the noise is coming from but then my gaze is frozen at a tragic view over the vast area of destruction. The end signifies that all this should be just a bad dream.
I used Ableton to host samples like low pitch wind recording and children playing recording. I recorded three layers of pads and transformed the cello section notes into a distorted noise to emphasize the mysterious force that caused so much destruction. The harmony of the music expresses the revelation of the landscape and the emotion triggered by the effort to not break down. I mixed it particularly blurry to capture the listener's emotion and create a rather confusing experience for the audience.
I received this challenge from a friend and I accepted because he thinks I got something going on with my designs and I believe that winning this might help me truly understand the depths of this wonderful profession.
Thanks for listening!
Hello! I'm Alex Groove from Romania. I've imagined a place where in the past it used to be crowded, near a park where children used to play. Looks like everything burned to ashes and the smoke still clouds the air. I'm still searching to where the noise is coming from but then my gaze is frozen at a tragic view over the vast area of destruction. The end signifies that all this should be just a bad dream.
I used Ableton to host samples like low pitch wind recording and children playing recording. I recorded three layers of pads and transformed the cello section notes into a distorted noise to emphasize the mysterious force that caused so much destruction. The harmony of the music expresses the revelation of the landscape and the emotion triggered by the effort to not break down. I mixed it particularly blurry to capture the listener's emotion and create a rather confusing experience for the audience.
I received this challenge from a friend and I accepted because he thinks I got something going on with my designs and I believe that winning this might help me truly understand the depths of this wonderful profession.
Thanks for listening!
What A Day For A Daydream en studio avec Vanessa Paradis
Uploaded by Larelifi on 2 Apr 2011
Vanessa Paradis enregistre "What a day for a daydream", la chanson du film ROUGE COCO réalisé par Jean-Baptiste Mondino.
All this and beauty too: Vanessa Paradis performs the soundtrack to Rouge Coco, 'DAYDREAM'.
As They Burn - Philosophical Research Society
Uploaded by BlankTV on 12 Nov 2011 Come see hundreds more at! - the Net's biggest home for metal, death, grind, thrash, rapcore, heavy and hard rock music videos!
Director: Flavien Stirnemann
Edited by Dimitri Borit for Creat'inScope
Buy 'Aeon's War' here:
Band Name = As They Burn
Label Name = Siege Of Amida Records
Song Title = Philosophical Research Society
Album Name = Aeons War
As They Burn :
Web Site =
Facebook =
Youtube =
Kévin Traore - vocals
Hoby Arinosy - guitar
Fabio Meschini - guitar
Ronald Pastor- bass
Milton Bakech - drums
BoomBoxTheory - Vise (sub pamant)
Uploaded by Breathelast on 12 Nov 2011
Instrumental - Bogdan Boddy Alexandrescu ( CHESTER )
Vorbe - Andrei Mihai ( Breathelast )
King Arthur
cum sa'ti fie mai frica de moarte decat de o viata pe care nu o traiesti cum simti? a prefera sa mori cu ochii la adevar decat sa traiesti cu minciuna in inima. "onoare", "libertate", "curaj", "sacrificiu", nu sunt doar cuvinte in dictionar sau lozinci in filme si jocuri.
"King Arthur is a 2004 film directed by Antoine Fuqua and written by David Franzoni. It stars Clive Owen as the title character, Ioan Gruffudd as Lancelot, and Keira Knightley as Guinevere.
The producers of the film claim to present a historically accurate version of the Arthurian legends, supposedly inspired by new archaeological findings. The accuracy of these claims is subject to debate, but the film is unusual (though not unique) in representing Arthur as a Roman officer rather than a medieval knight. It was shot in England, Ireland, and Wales." -
"King Arthur is a 2004 film directed by Antoine Fuqua and written by David Franzoni. It stars Clive Owen as the title character, Ioan Gruffudd as Lancelot, and Keira Knightley as Guinevere.
The producers of the film claim to present a historically accurate version of the Arthurian legends, supposedly inspired by new archaeological findings. The accuracy of these claims is subject to debate, but the film is unusual (though not unique) in representing Arthur as a Roman officer rather than a medieval knight. It was shot in England, Ireland, and Wales." -
King Arthur Movie Trailer from Kyle Lapp on Vimeo.
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