Where Purgatory Ends

Incepand cu data de 6 Octombrie, pe parcursul a 13 zile, expozitia de grafica "Where Purgatory Ends", semnata de artistul Costin Chioreanu, va putea fi vizionata in Bucuresti, la galeria de arta SAINT INK - Strada Doamnei nr.3.

Expozitia reprezinta un proiect amplu, ce contine 13 lucrari, soundtrack-ul realizat de artistul roman in colaborare cu Rune Eriksen (Aura Noir, Ava Inferi, Nader Sadek, ex-Mayhem), Tudor Diaconescu (vioara) si Andrei Ionut George (bass) plus partea de happening.

Vernisajul expozitiei va avea loc Joi, 6 Octombrie 2011, ora 19:00.

Detalii complete despre expozitie, concept, muzica precum si fotografii din cadrul editiei de la Alba Iulia, se gasesc aici: www.twilight13media.com/wpe

Where Purgatory Ends a dark visual and auditive story about the soul's adventure trough life
and afterlife, in it's way of becoming complete. The concept contains :

1.The art exhibition itself, which contains 13 artworks (Aprox 90cm X 110 cm each),
printed with dark gray on black canvas.

2.Happening - the visitors will be able to interact with a "happening"
part of the project -- in one of the corners of the exhibition room it will be also a family table --
with 3 chairs, 3 dining plates,3 tableware. On every dining plate will be something...

3.Soundtrack. It will be played during the exhibition. It was composed
mainly by Costin Chioreanu and Rune Eriksen, together with Andrei Ionut -- bass and
Tudor Diaconescu -- violin.
The soundtrack is 22 minutes long and it's a dark avantgarde synthesis of diverse genres
including ambient, dark, doom metal and black metal.