1942 Stalingrad - 20th Century Battlefields - BBC

Uploaded by WarThinkTank on 14 Oct 2011

1942 Stalingrad - 20th Century Battlefields - BBC

Covers the Eastern Front briefly up to the Battle of Stalingrad and then describes the battle in detail from the initial attacks on the city to the surrounding and eventual destruction of the German 6th Army. Focuses in particular on urban warfare tactics employed, especially snipers. Dan Snow spends some time with the British Army Snipers to illustrate the power of the sniper, targeting a command post occupied by Peter Snow. Dan succeeds in 'assassinating' his father.

This is the story of the most intense and bitterly fought battles of the twentieth century, and their lasting impact on the world.

They reveal that these battles were shaped not just by distant military commanders but by men fighting on the frontline, whether the apocalyptic terrain of the Western Front or the hidden guerilla tunnels of Vietnam. What were the key factors that swayed the course of victory? Was it sheer grit and determination, military intelligence or strategic initiative?